Monday, April 17, 2017

Introduce Me : Jakarta Indonesia

Jakarta Indonesia
Jakarta Indonesia

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. The crowded city and even the 11th most jammed city in the world. However there many interesting things and facts we can explore in Jakarta, Indonesia.

1. From 17 Jakarta governors, only 2 who were born in Jakarta
Jakarta Indonesia Governor
Jakarta Indonesia Governor
Jakarta, Indonesia is almost 490 years old. It is recorded that 17 governors have ever governed Jakarta. But, only 2 of them were born in Jakarta. They are Soerjadi Soedira and Fauzi Bowo. Soerjadi was born in Batavia, 11th October 1938 and governed Jakarta from 1992-1997.
Whereas, Fauzi Bowo was born in Jakarta, 10th April 1948 and governed since 7th Oktober 2007 - 7th October 2012.

2. Jakarta was Surrounded by 13 rivers
13 rivers in Jakarta
13 rivers in Jakarta

Jakarta is 664 kilometers square wide and surrounded by 13 rivers. Why 13? I don't know.
The rivers are Ciliwung, Angke, Pesanggrahan, Krukut, Grogol, Baru Barat, Baru Timur, Cipinang, Sunter, Buaran, Jati Kramat, Cakung dan Malang.

3. Jakarta Has the biggest wholesale market in the world
Tanah Abang Market Jakarta
Tanah Abang Market Jakarta

Tanah Abang Market (you can call it Tenabang) is one of the biggest market in the world.

4. Has the most beautiful country in the world
Kampung Rawa Jakarta
Kampung Rawa Jakarta

In 2012, Kampung Rawa was assigned as the most beautiful country in the world by CNNgo.
But, Sure! I don't know what's the reason why CNNgo does it.
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